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About us

Jiangsu dahai plastics co., LTD., founded in 1996, is a provincial-level private scientific and technological enterprise specialized in producing and selling various kinds of environmental protection PVC, EVA film and plastic particles. It is located in chuanjiang town, tongzhou district, nantong city, jiangsu province.
The company covers an area of about 120,000 square meters and has more than 450 employees, among which more than 30% are professional technical and managerial personnel. The company is growing in size and popularity, and has become the leader in the same industry in jiangsu province. At present, the company has 11 imported PVC film rolling production lines, 2 EVA production lines, 1 eight-plate printing line, 3 medical and civil granulating production lines, and produces a variety of advanced special transparent films, super transparent films, color films and other series of products, with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons. It has been awarded the honor of "large tax payer", "model soldier of total industrial investment" and "best credit enterprise" for many times, and has been rated as "AAA enterprise" and "bank-enterprise cooperation enterprise" by domestic credit institutions.
Over the past 20 years, the company has introduced advanced production equipment and technology from Taiwan, Germany and the United States. Establishing and improving the quality and intellectual property management system; Implement patent distribution projects and promote brand-name strategy; Employ professors and doctoral supervisors of ntu as the chief engineer of the company to guide the scientific and technological innovation of the enterprise; The company has built the nantong engineering technology center, nantong enterprise technology center and so on. Our products are not only popular in the domestic market, but also exported to South America, southeast Asia, Africa and other places.
The company has always adhered to the management concept of "independent innovation, realistic development and long-term development", and adhered to the management objective of "integrity, pragmatism, efficiency and win-win", constantly exploring and innovating, and providing the best service to the vast number of customers.

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